We visited Abbeymead Primary School this week, the latest primary school to join our Waste Less initiative. We donated over 500 water bottles to the school, to assist them in their mission to cut out single-use plastics.
We started our day with two assemblies about plastic pollution. What it is, how it ends up in our oceans and on the beach, and what we can do to help. We will impressed with the enthusiasm of the students who answered questions and offered ideas brilliantly.
After assembly we worked with the two year two classes, delivering a workshop on plastic waste and the important of recycling. In teams, the pupils had to try and work out how long it took household waste items to break down, using our decomposition timeline.
Almost all of the students said they were surprised by how long it took things to break down, with items such as the toothbrush, and drinks can being particularly surprising. After working on our timeline together, students coloured in anti-littering and recycling posters that can be used in school to raise awareness.
Both year two classes were a pleasure to work with and some of their ideas about recycling were excellent. We particularly enjoyed hearing about one student who used plastic bottles to make bird feeders at home.
The afternoon saw us working with Abbeymead Primary school’s Eco Ambassadors. 30 students from different year groups came together to litter pick the public field next to their school.
The students had to search through trees and bushes, working together to get to hard-to-reach litter.
Over the space of just over an hour, we collected 16 bags of litter weighing in at 19.42 kilos. One of our biggest school litter-picks ever!
We found some unusual items such as a football, a kettle, an assortment of clothes, and even a small gas canister!
We were delighted to have been invited into this wonderful school, and the enthusiasm of the students was inspiring. A massive thank you to the staff of Abbeymead Primary school for welcoming us, and working with us to deliver this important message. It was an amazing day.
If you would like to learn more, or to join our Waste Less iniative, contact us at hello@lifesabeach.org.
A great post without any doubt.