

Kilos Collected


Cleans Completed


Volunteer Hours

Roadside Clean Up With ProCook

We once again teamed up with our charity partner ProCook to tackle litter in the local area around our office. This time we headed to the road outside Indurent Park in Gloucester to see what rubbish we could find.

Many of us drive along this road on our way to work, and we all agreed that it needed a good litter pick! Six of us headed out to the road and we were shocked at the sheer amount of road-side litter we found.

Focusing on the hedges, our volunteers really got stuck in to retrieve the rubbish. Hedges alongside roads and carparks are often a place where litter collects as it is blown there by the wind and then gets caught. Roadside littering my drivers is also a huge contributing factor in areas like this.

Predominantly we found food packaging and drinks cans and bottles. However we also found some more unusual items, such as:

  • A car tyre
  • 9 cans of red bull
  • Car parts
  • A duvet
  • Lots of balloons
  • A gas canister
  • Motorbike oil

After 45 minutes we collected up 27.74 kilos of litter! ProCook staff have collected up a huge 96.95 kilos of litter with us this year alone. A huge achievement! Thank you to ProCook for giving 171 volunteering hours with us in 2024!

If you would like to organise a lunchtime litter pick with us for your office, contact us at hello@lifesabeach.org for more information.


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