

Kilos Collected


Cleans Completed


Volunteer Hours

Westward Ho! Beach Clean

In order to clean Westward Ho! beach in North Devon on June 12th, Life’s a Beach collaborated once again with the 1st Torrington Girl Guiding group and the ProCook Bideford store. 63 volunteers came to this lovely stretch of beach to help litter pick together.

Last year we teamed up with the first Torrington to clean this same beach with 25 volunteers. This year we returned in force with 18 adults and 45 children.

As a diverse group of exceptional people representing the Rainbows, Brownies, Guides, and Ranger joined their strengths for a good cause, the collaborative endeavour of a beach clean; a lovely convergence of youthful excitement; and vital adult aid played out on the pebble canvas. Life’s a Beach was happy to support these young women who wanted to do something good for the environment and their community. Ranging from ages 4 to 15, the girls were supported by 18 adults who had come to lend a hand. We even had an 18 month old come along, our youngest ever volunteer!

Westward Ho! the beach, first appears spotless and free of trash, but it didn’t take us long to discover rubbish that had been swept up by the sea and hidden among the rocks. We collected a total of seventeen bags of rubbish after two hours of cleaning as well as a whole pot of glass. We discovered some particularly intriguing items, including:

  • A long rubber tube
  • A battery holder
  • A dog frisbee
  • A plastic leaf
  • Even a baby dead shark!

We collected 17 bags of litter weighing in at 18.97 kilos. This clean brings out total amount of rubbish collected to a massive 478.32 kilos!

Thank you to the ProCook Bideford store staff who helped to organise this event, and a huge thank you to all the children and parents who came to give their time and help us with our war on plastic pollution!

If you would like to sign up your group for a beach clean or local litter pick, please contact us at hello@lifesabeach.org we would love to hear from you!


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